Hace 13 años | Por andin a prwatch.org
Publicado hace 13 años por andin a prwatch.org

Ejemplo detallado y documentado de como los trabajadores no pueden competir en la batalla por la información equilibrada sobre los privilegios de los trabajadores públicos.



Seemingly right on cue, a group that has previously refused to name its donors, the self-designated "League of American Voters" (LAV), began robo-calls and ads in Wisconsin late last week. LAV has been the vehicle for other PR campaigns in support of top items on the GOP agenda, including extending the Bush tax cuts which included big breaks for the wealthiest Americans and opposing health insurance reform. LAV is a DC-based group whose address is the exact same as at least one other group that has received Koch-related funding but claims to be merely a tenant.

Robo-calls deben ser sistemas automáticos ( como los callcenters de marketing telefónico utilizado para vendernos el ADSL ). Pero esta vez llaman a las oficinas de los legisladores haciéndose pasar por ciudadanos que llaman a su representante.


Otro ejemplo de como funciona el sistema de desinformación:


Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to "contribute more" to their pension and health insurance plans.

Accepting Gov. Walker' s assertions as fact, and failing to check, created the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not.

Dicen que las pensiones provienen de los impuestos y no de las cotizaciones de los trabajadores y encima la gente se lo cree.