Hace 1 año | Por --557077-- a agenzianova.com
Publicado hace 1 año por --557077-- a agenzianova.com

Así lo admitió el general Robert Magowan -ex comandante de los Royal Marines-, según el cual comandos de la Armada llevaron a cabo "operaciones encubiertas" en un "contexto extremadamente delicado" que implicaba "un alto nivel de riesgo político y militar". Más https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/royal-marines-deployed-on-high-risk-covert-operations-in-ukraine-r7b50gv3p



Si leemos la noticia, nos enteramos de que el general británico escribió que los marines se han desplegado para proteger a diplomáticos, no se han desplegado para luchar contra Rusia.

Magowan joined the elite unit of the Royal Navy in 1989 and in an article written in Globe and Laurel, the official publication of the Royal Marines, explained how 350 Marines from 45th Commando were sent to escort diplomats from the British Embassy earlier in the year, by which time it had become clear that Russian forces were massing for an invasion. The commandos also returned to Kiev in April to ensure the security of the embassy as the United Kingdom was re-establishing its diplomatic representation following the withdrawal of Russian troops from around the Ukrainian capital. London's Defense Ministry had previously acknowledged the sending of a commando to protect embassy personnel, however only admitting the presence of 30 soldiers.


#3 Si pero #0 nunca desperdicia la oportunidad para desinformar. Me acuerdo una vez que nos vino con "un T-90 ucraniano destruido" jajja


Ahí, sin miedo a jugársela… bueno, a jugárnosla, porque una guerra mundial nos joderá a todos, todos.