Hace 8 años | Por Sciborg a francis.naukas.com
Publicado hace 8 años por Sciborg a francis.naukas.com

¡Quién dice que los físicos no son unos cachondos! Jay G. Wacker, físico del Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), apostó que incluiría una canción de Lady Gaga en el título de un artículo técnico. Quería titular un artículo sobre materia oscura “iDM’s Poker Face” pero el editor no le dejó. Al final coló “Poker face of inelastic dark matter: Prospects at upcoming direct detection experiments.”



Los físicos están todos cachondos... tensión sexual no resuelta.


Chorrada de noticia.


#3: Gracias, tampoco es para tanto, sinceramente.


¿Lady... que...? No conozco a esa cantante. ¿Me pierdo algo?




Dos de mis colegas biólogos marinos colaron este año un artículo titulado: "Bird is the word – on the importance of ethical and effective scientific communication". En el Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. El abstract no tiene desperdicio (recordemos que es una revista de Biología Marina!):


Back in 1963, the proto-punk band The Trashmen released the single Surfin’ bird (written by Frazier, White, Harris & Wilson Jr. and released in November 1963 by Garrett label;

. Fifty years later and despite the obscure lyrics, the song remains iconic in western pop culture; e.g. through the recurrent appearance in the TV show Family Guy (e.g. I dream of Jesus episode, released on 5 October 2008;
. It is thought that the line ‘everybody knows that the bird is the word’ was inspired by a highly successful and catchy radio jingle released/commissioned in post prohibitionist USA by the Gallo brothers to boost the sales of their inexpensive fortified Thunderbird wine: ‘What's the word? Thunderbird’ (http://www.absurdintellectual.com/2009/06/05/everybodys-heard-that-the-bird-is-the-word-but-its-not-what-they-think/). This illustrates how a simple and catchy message can have a profound and long-lasting influence on society.