Hace 16 años | Por apg a invertia.com
Publicado hace 16 años por apg a invertia.com

[C&P] Londres, Oslo y Dublín, son las tres ciudades más caras del mundo según un estudio realizado por el banco suizo UBS. Este ranking que incluye entre una de sus variables el coste de la vivienda, muestra el predominio en la tabla de las ciudades europeas cómo las más caras para vivir. Usando a Nueva York, 5º en la tabla, como media, el banco suizo posiciona a Madrid y Barcelona en los puestos 22º y 26º del ranking.



No vale, hay que ponderar el coste de la vivienda con el salario.


Methodology (sobre el estudio del 2007... aun asi supongo que sera orientativo)

Standardized price and earnings surveys were carried out in 71 cities around the world in early 2006. A number of independent agencies were involved. USB sent out a questionnaire on 122 goods and services and 120 data points on wages, deductions and working hours for 14 different professions. A total of more than 30,000 data entries were collected and analyzed. The surveys were conducted by local UBS employees, correspondent banks, consumer organizations and chambers of commerce as well as by universities, members of the student organization AIESEC and selected individuals. A number of factors should be considered when interpreting the results. Since all the data collected had to be converted into a single reference currency, it is subject to the daily fluctuations in exchange rates. The price and earnings data gathered in early 2006 were then multiplied by each city’s rate of inflation and converted into our reference currency at the prevailing exchange rate. In order to smooth out the effect to day-to-day currency fluctuations, USB used the average daily spot rate November 2007 to January 2008 for this update. In calculating the earnings index, USB not only considered exchange rates and inflation, but also factored in the assumption that some economic growth is due to productivity improvements and was therefore passed on to employees.



Prefiero la lista de las más baratas para ir preparando el viaje con tiempo.


#1 Pues yo vivo en Dublin, y te digo que aunque aqui cobre mas, la vivienda me resulta mucho mas cara que en Madrid, porque necesitas el triple de dinero para alquilar en las mismas condiciones, y no se cobra el doble.


#1 "Este ranking que incluye entre una de sus variables el coste de la vivienda"
Tal vez lo tengan en cuenta... aun asi: que les costara a los sres de Invertia explayarse un poco mas?