Hace 18 años | Por --2294-- a blogs.zdnet.com
Publicado hace 18 años por --2294-- a blogs.zdnet.com

In March 2005, Sun president and COO Jonathan Schwartz dropped a hint that his company had something in the works that was very much like the Liberty Alliance (in the way that it undermined the usage of proprietary identity management systems like Microsoft's Passport), but for purposes of undermining proprietary digital rights management systems (DRM) like Apple's FairPlay instead. Then, in August 2005, Schwartz went more public with the plan, citing Open Media Commons (OMC) as the name of the Liberty Alliance-like organization that would chaperone an open source and perhaps one day open standard digital rights management scheme known as Project DReaM (note the capitalized DRM). ver http://meneame.net/story.php?id=13067