Hace 14 años | Por --206572-- a youtube.com
Publicado hace 14 años por --206572-- a youtube.com

Breve vídeo del autor de "Un mundo feliz" (A brave new world, 1932), personaje elegante y magnético donde los haya.



Curioso: primero se queja de que las farmacéuticas ofrecen psicofármacos que la gente acaba usando a la ligera, y luego afirma que debería haber un psicofármaco para reemplazar al alcohol, que se pueda tomar también "a la ligera"...

¿O es que he entendido algo mal?


En el prefacio de "Las Puertas de la percepción"
What is needed is a new drug which will relieve and console our suffering species without doing more harm in the long run than it does good in the short. Such a drug must be potent in minute doses and synthesizable. If it does not possess these qualities, its production, like that of wine, beer, spirits and tobacco will interfere with the raising of indispensable food and fibers. It must be less toxic than opium or cocaine, less likely to produce undesirable social consequences than alcohol or the barbiturates, less inimical to heart and lungs than the tars and nicotine of cigarettes. And, on the positive side, it should produce changes in consciousness more interesting, more intrinsically valuable than mere sedation or dreaminess, delusions of omnipotence or release from inhibition.
