Hace 13 años | Por --219647-- a genbeta.com
Publicado hace 13 años por --219647-- a genbeta.com

En Internet hay un gran número de servicios, y la mayoría necesitan una contraseña para entrar, a espera del desarrollo de otros protocolos como OAuth o Facebook Connect. Por eso, es importante que nuestro navegador gestione bien nuestras contraseñas y las almacene de forma segura. Después del salto tenéis el análisis, empezando por los gestores de contraseñas integrados.



Face book Connect has by far the best authentication and single sign-on solution to date. It wins due to its simple and clear user experience. While Windows Live ID, OpenID, Google Friend Connect, and others have in the past provided single sign-on solutions, none saw significant traction. The most important innovation this time around is a rather simple one: Face book Connect provides a java script-based light box sign-in screen on the same page without redirecting the user to a third party site for authentication. In addition, the user simply logs into Face book from the light box if they aren't already (but who isn't always logged into Face book these days), and then simply authorizes the app with one click.