Hace 13 años | Por sonrisadecrack a patentlyapple.com
Publicado hace 13 años por sonrisadecrack a patentlyapple.com

Apple inventa una nueva tecnología de intercambio Peer to Peer. El nuevo modelo utiliza un nuevo y único sistema de alcance magnético y una metodología de tonos cifrados supersónicos y consiste en...



El artículo es muy interesante, especialmente esta parte:

Apple's solution to simplifying Network Device Discovery involves a method which monitors a compass output in a portable electronic device. As the portable device and an external device come closer to each other, a magnetic field signature is computed based on the monitored compass output. A determination is then made as to whether the computed signature could be associated with or implies that a previously defined type of electronic device (with which a network device discovery process could be conducted) is in close proximity. In other words, as the two devices come closer to each other, their respective magnetic characteristics cause the compass output to change in a way that implies that a network device discovery process should be initiated between the two devices.


Using the compass output in this manner to in effect prescreen another device, for purposes of establishing a communications connection whose setup is particularly involved or lengthy, may help make more efficient use of time and portable device resources. For instance, there is less power consumption and less network bandwidth consumption by the portable device, because the relatively complex WiFi or Bluetooth setup process may be kept suspended until needed.


Has oido Sinde???? P2P!!!!!!!!


Luego añadieron "¡Y será de pago!".


#6 Jejejeje


Y yo me pregunto para qué lo querrán, si el iPhone lleva Bluetooth desde el 3G y está cerrado a cal y canto.


¿Y que más dará?... siendo de apple seguro que la caparán hasta convertirla en otra chorrada inútil de las que traen los móviles.