Hace 12 años | Por Gaiden a nme.com
Publicado hace 12 años por Gaiden a nme.com

Marconi Union, un trio de Manchester, hizo equipo con terapeutas y afirma haber escrito la canción más relajante de todos los tiempos. La canción, titulada 'Weightless', es aparentemente tan relajante que los cientificos dicen que no debe ser escuchada mientras se conduce. Marconi Union trabajó con un equipo de terapeutas con el objetivo de crear una canción que ralentizara la respiración y redujera la actividad cerebral. Puedes escucharla al final de la página.



Vaya chorrada... como esa hay miles...


Carefully arranged harmonies, rhythms and bass lines help to slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
The study - commissioned by bubble bath and shower gel firm Radox Spa - found the song was even more relaxing than a massage, walk or cup of tea.

The women were connected to sensors and given challenging puzzles to complete against the clock in order to induce a level of stress.

They were then played different songs as their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and brain activity were recorded.

Studies found Weightless was 11 per cent more relaxing than any other song and even made many of the women "drowsy" in the lab.