Hace 17 años | Por mezvan a erowid.org
Publicado hace 17 años por mezvan a erowid.org

En 1962, en la Universidad de Oklahoma, tres individuos entre los cuales se encontraba el colaborador de la CIA Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West, inyectaron una dosis de 267 miligramos de LSD al elefante apodado Tusko. Esta era la primera vez que se inyectaba una dosis de tal magnitud (la mayor registrada en la historia). Su objetivo era determinar si podían inducir una condición natural de los elefantes en la cual se vuelven violentos e incontrolables denominada "Musth". Después de una serie de acontecimientos, el elefante murió.



que bestias que somos!!!!!!!!!


Parece que no le mataron con LSD, ya me extrañaba a mi, le metieron de todo después:

Twenty minutes after the initial injection of LSD, it was decided that promazine hydrochloride (Thorazine) should be administered in an attempt to counter the above reaction. 2800 mg of promazine hydrochloride was injected into his ear over a period of 11 minutes, and only partially relieved the seizures and respiratory distress. An hour later, in a further attempt to assist the elephant, Dr. West injected Tusko with an unspecified quantity of pentobarbital sodium directly into a vein. The elephant died 1 hour and 40 minutes after the LSD had been given.

The Controversy
the Thorazine (chlorpromazine) was more likely to be the direct cause of death, whether there were any additional drugs administered which were not reported in the article, and whether Jolly West may have had ulterior motives in his work because of his interests in the potential mind-control and warfare uses of LSD.