Hace 9 años | Por --484357-- a bt.dk
Publicado hace 9 años por --484357-- a bt.dk

Ocurrió en Vollsmose en agosto de 2009, pero ahora han decidido contarlo a la prensa. El distrito estaba en llamas esa noche y un coche de policía se detuvo frente a ellos. Al momento fueron atacados con fuego automático. Ellos se tiraron a tierra, mientras la policía abandonaba la zona y les dejaba a su suerte. Por fortuna no fueron heridos y pudieron volver a su casa. No fue su única experiencia. En 2011 su casa, en Vollsmose, fue atacada y apedreada por grupos de inmigrantes tres veces en una semana.



#6 Estaba siendo sarcástico

Era un usuario llorica


#7 No era llorica, era un nazi camuflado haciendo campaña.


#8 el otro dia lloraba por que le habíamos votado una noticia, enviada con otro usuario que tenía, que sólo tenia 4 negativos...

Entiendo que ahora se creará otro usuario y continuará llorando...


#9 dejad de meteros con Moderado! si le da la pataleta se va y no nos podemos reír


Supongo que ya sabéis que el BT es como el DailyMail. Las noticias se han de reducir a la mitad al baño maría, quitarles los flecos, raspar la pintura fosforito y con un poco de suerte, debajo de todas las capas de sensacionalismo, encontraremos una noticia más o menos real.


#4 La mafia ya habéis hundido el meneo y se ha dado de baja cry


#5 ¿Pero por qué me incluís si no la he votado?


#0 hostia! Qué tal vas, Moderado?



It was nearly fatal for two Danes in Vollsmose to talk to police. Not only were they fired upon with automatic weapons; for the next two years, they had to put up with stone throwing, vandalism and harassment.

The couple wants to be anonymous, but have chosen to tell their story about their life in the ghetto Vollsmose after BT yesterday told how ethnic Danes are targeted by burglars. A campaign in which nine out of ten of the 150 burglaries over the last few months – according to a police officer – were directed against ethnic Danes.

The young couple’s nightmare began on Thursday, August 13, 2009, as they walked through Vollsmose. The district was in flames after a 19-year-old had tried to run away from the police and then crashed his BMW.

“A police car came rolling towards us with lights off. The officer rolled down the window and asks if it was burning much down there where we came from. This I could confirm,” says AH, which at that time had only lived in Vollsmose for a month.

“As I answered the police officer, somebody started shooting against the police. My girlfriend and I threw ourselves to the ground and crept into the sand behind us. Then we heard the police car’s screeching wheels as it fled.”

The frightened couple stayed down until the danger had passed, then hurried home.

“I thought, ‘can we live in such a hell?’ But we agreed that the rioters should not be allowed to scare us away.”

A 35-year-old man was jailed for having fired 8 to 10 shots at the police with an automatic weapon, and the riots faded out. But AH and HH’s nightmare was only just beginning.

“Young immigrant boys started calling us snitches, and my girlfriend was called a whore. We were harassed on the bus so we had to get off, and my son and I, who is 10 years old, have been almost run down intentionally twice,” says AH. …

AH, however, did not move away from Vollsmose, and he refused to stop talking to the police in the area. On May 12, 2011, things escalated, however. Within three days, the couple’s home was attacked with cobblestones three times.

“One time we were not at home, but when we came home we found a cobblestone in my son’s bed. It had been thrown through the window. If he had been sleeping there, he could have been killed.


#1 Ahora tradúcelo al español