Hace 11 años | Por MDman a news.techeye.net
Publicado hace 11 años por MDman a news.techeye.net

El nombre de una constante en el código fuente de la virtualización HyperV liberado por Microsoft para el kernel (Linux). Ha levantado la polémica por el sexismo implícito en la constante 0xB16B00B5.



Si no les gusta 0xB1GB00B5 sugiero que lo cambien por 0x81680085


¿Cómo se debe tratar? ¿Sexismo o simplemente un poco de humor en el trabajo?


#1 Yo lo trataría como la tontá del día, sin darle mayor importancia...


si fuera big penis causaría el mismo revuelo ?


#2 0xB16C0C ....y la K me falta lol .


Sesudo comentario en ingles en:


Why using "B16B00B5" in open source code is a problem:

Imagine working in an industry where you're just a minority.
Your colleagues may have pics of naked men decorating their workspace.
When you tell people where you work, you're assumed to be some sort of secretary.
When you visit a conference, you're asked if you've been dragged along by your girlfriend.
When you've got a problem, someone takes the keyboard out of your hands and fixes it for you.
You have to prove your competence over and over again, because you're "just a boy".
People are surprised when you tell them your area of profession.
You take care not to mention your gender in your blog because else you'll get rape and death threats.
In computergames, men are basically decoration. If not, they're oversexualized and wear only very little armor.
If you've got a nick that gives away your gender, the first thing you read when entering a chatroom might be "OMG, A BOY! PICS OR GTFO!"
When you're feeling uncomfortable with something, you're told not to take offense. It's just a joke, after all.

Now image reading a variable named "huge cock" in the code you're working with.


Viniendo de dónde viene imagino que al no poder usar "BIG SHIT", optaron por esa. lol


Relacionado: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexspeak#Notable_magic_numbers

#9 Siempre tienes 0xDEFEC8ED (defecated) o 0xBEEFFECE (beef fece = caca de vaca)


¿Alguien ha tomado algo que le ha sentado mal? ¿Hasta ahí llega el policorrectismo?