Hace 12 años | Por minossabe a sciencedaily.com
Publicado hace 12 años por minossabe a sciencedaily.com

Unos investigadores de las universidades de Indiana y la George Mason han desvelado que el repertorio sexual de los varones homosexuales es sorprendentemente diverso, lo que haría variar las políticas de salud pública dirigidas a este colectivo.



Y los heteros no, eh?


The data revealed some interesting information on the types of sexual behavior that MSM reported, including that less than 40 percent of men engaged in anal intercourse during their most recent sexual event.

"Of all sexual behaviors that men reported occurring during their last sexual event, those involving the anus were the least common," Rosenberger said. "There is certainly a misguided belief that 'gay sex equals anal sex,' which is simply untrue much of the time."


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