Hace 11 años | Por Dr_Granudo a es.noticias.yahoo.com
Publicado hace 11 años por Dr_Granudo a es.noticias.yahoo.com

Estamos acostumbrados a ver, a través de las series de televisión y las películas, el típico ritual que realiza la policía de ponerse unos guantes al llegar a la escena de un crimen. Deben tocar objetos e incluso los restos mortales, por lo que el uso de esos guantes evita que dejen sus propias huellas e incluso borren sin querer alguna pista que les pueda conducir a descubrir al asesino. Pero el origen de la utilización de guantes por parte de la policía no se produjo por los motivos que acabo de señalar...



Sensacionalista: Yahoo noticias como siempre, basura.

"In 1905 The Law Times made one of the first references to the use of gloves by criminals to hide fingerprints, stating: For the future... when the burglar goes a-burgling, a pair of gloves will form a necessary part of his outfit"
"A murder bag is a forensics kit used by police officers at crime scenes. It was developed by Sir Bernard Spilsbury, a British forensic pathologist known for his work on the Hawley Harvey Crippen case in conjunction with Scotland Yard in 1924
The need for such a kit became apparent during the investigation into the Patrick Mahon murder case of 1924. The murder scene was particularly gruesome for the time period, as Mahon had carved his victim, Emily Kaye, into several pieces and attempted to burn them. After the burning had proved unsuccessful, Mahon boiled the body parts, and was later caught for throwing small pieces of the body out of a train. Spilsbury was called to the scene to aid in locating and identifying several missing pieces. When he arrived, Spilsbury discovered a detective using his bare hands to scoop up bloodied flesh and deposit them in a bucket. When questioned about why he was not wearing rubber gloves for the task, the officer replied that he never wore gloves, and that no one he knew had since the formation of the murder squad seventeen years ago. After returning to Scotland Yard, Spilsbury reported what he had discovered to the then head of the murder squad, Detective Superintendent William Brown, who proposed a standardised kit to be provided to officers in the field."
Este asunto es muy importante (histórica y globalmente) para las bolsas para cadáveres. Y, en su caso, los guantes para Reino Unido. Arriba se ve que ya se utilizaban en Estados Unidos. No es que no tenga razón, que la tiene en parte, es que Yahoo se ha convertido en basura, de ahí que todo el artículo se pase hablando de los detalles morbosos. Que pena, sinceramente
Todo empezó con el Yahoo Answers