Hace 10 años | Por --368612-- a abc.es
Publicado hace 10 años por --368612-- a abc.es

Robyn Benson lo ha conseguido. Esta joven de 32 años, en muerte cerebral y a la que los médicos habían mantenido con vida en Canadá a la espera de que lograra dar a luz a su bebé, falleció el pasado domingo en el hospital a escasa horas del nacimiento de su hijo, Iver Cohen Benson, que se encuentra en perfecto estado de salud.



Su hijo le ha dado valor a su propia vida y más considerando que además de la madre tiene al padre y otros familiares y amigos que podrán ver la cara de ella en la cara de su hijo.


joder que historia


#2 Y que lo digas. Esto he encontrado en su blog:

December 29th.

My wife is dying. We are both 32, she is 22 weeks pregnant. Yesterday morning she was complaining of a headache and asked me to go to the store to get some Tylenol for her and when I came back she was unconscious on the bathroom floor. I called 911, the ambulance came and they tried to get my wife to respond and to breathe for almost an hour before we went to the hospital. At the hospital they discovered that my wife had a fluke random type of blood leak into the centre of her brain and that there was so much blood and damage that it is not reversible. My wife is now essentially legally brain dead. They performed a surgery on my wife’s brain to drain some of the excess blood from her brain and now they are going to try and keep her body alive for four more weeks; The thought process behind this is that if they can keep her body alive and growing our child until she is 26 weeks pregnant it will give our unborn son a 60 to 80% chance of surviving a C-section that time. Her family and my friends are all very supportive and all think that my wife would want me to try and give our child the best life possible so that’s what I’m going to try and do assuming that all goes well and I actually get to meet him. If the C-section is successful of course my son will then spend the next 15 weeks in the hospital under intensive care until he is ready to be released to me.
It’s likely today that they will declare my wife legally brain dead. I can go visit her as much as I want over the next 4 weeks (hopefully it’s 4 weeks and this all works) but my wife is essentially gone.
Ugh. I don’t know what to do or think. She is my rock. She does everything for us and I can’t believe I won’t get to talk to her again and now if this works, our son will grow up never meeting his wonderful mother.

Salir de casa teniendo una mujer que crees estar radiante de vida sin otra cosa en la cabeza más que planes de futuro y al volver ver como todo eso se esfuma sin que pueda haber una segunda oportunidad, sin ni siquiera oportunidad para despedirse. Salir de casa y no saber que esa será la última vez que veas a la persona que más quieres con vida. Qué pena...


#1 Joder 2001, y me parece bien si luego despues de dar a luz la desconectan.

Pobre crio, vaya putada.