Hace 13 años | Por --114185-- a nytimes.com
Publicado hace 13 años por --114185-- a nytimes.com

Liverpool have agreed to the sale of the club to New England Sports Ventures, which owns the Boston Red Sox, Liverpool said.




The Board of Directors have received two excellent financial offers to buy the Club that would repay all its long-term debt. A Board meeting was called today to review these bids and approve a sale. Shortly prior to the meeting, the owners - Tom Hicks and George Gillett - sought to remove Managing Director Christian Purslow and Commercial Director Ian Ayre from the Board, seeking to replace them with Mack Hicks and Lori Kay McCutcheon.


#2 Owners of Red Sox to Buy Liverpool Soccer ClubBy REUTERS
Dice que esta a punto o pensando, mas o menos(traduccion libre).
Deberia poner bought para afirmar que la compra se ha realizado.
No entiendo tu positivo a #3, viene a decir lo mismo que yo...




#5 PULP?


#6 Para usted la perra gorda


Titular erroneo. However, the sale may not be straightforward as the club will first have to resolve a legal dispute with the current owners


#1 Pero es el titular con el que titulan ellos.