Hace 10 años | Por landaburu a abc.es
Publicado hace 10 años por landaburu a abc.es

La comisión de la ONU que investiga los crímenes cometidos en la guerra civil en Siria confirmó que «la radicalización de los grupos armados opositores continúa» conforme aumenta el número de extranjeros, con fuerte disciplina y bien entrenados. Gracias a esto grupos como Al-Nusra, Al-Sham y el Estado de Irak Islámico tengan sus propios bastiones en el norte de Siria. La comisión critica también a aquellos que suministran armas a las partes porque «crean en ellas una ilusión de victoria», que no es realista porque "no hay solución militar"



confirmó que «la radicalización de los grupos armados opositores continúa» conforme aumenta el número de combatientes extranjeros, con fuerte disciplina y bien entrenados.

Esos que EEUU y sus aliados están entrenando en la frontera con Jordania
La noticia es de RT pero se basa en el periódico francés Le Figaro, el italiano Corriere della Sera y un portavoz del Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército estadounidense

Los Los Angeles Times, informaba que también lo hacen en Turquía


#4 Que manía de no poner las fuentes. No lo encuentro ni en Figaro ni en el Corriere. KASOTC es una academia y centro de entrenamiento anti-terrorista. Ahora que ... con lo que pone rt.com de que los soldados americanos entran en Siria ya si que no me creo NADA de lo que pongan... Se inventan la noticia diciendo que la ha publicado perico de los palotes y a otra cosa.

Y sí. Ya se ha posteado en otros meneos que la oposición está muy fragmentada y han llegado a secuestrar a miembros de otras facciones.


#5 el artículo de Le Figaro se titula "La operación anti Asad ha comenzado" poco has buscado porque se han hecho eco todos los medios españoles roll


#6 Lo vuelvo a poner que si no ... no te salta el chivato

La noticia de rt es de Marzo
El artículo de Le Figaro es de 22/08/2013

Explícamelo anda...


#9 que torpe ni que... lol lol lol lol lol

lol lol lol lol lol
Abril 21/04/2013 sigue siendo DESPUES que Marzo...
Ahora vas y lo cascas... ja ja ja ja ja ja ja


Obama se está quedando con el culo al aire. Y no me da ninguna pena.


#1 No se de que nos extrañamos, después de lo de Irak y el espionaje global ¿Quien en su sano juicio podría confiar en EEUU?
Ahora bien, hay que reconocerle que si fuera español ya estaría echándole la culpa a los réditos de las mentiras de Bush. ¡Ah! y también tendría una encuesta en la que el 90% de los estadounidenses pensase que lo mejor para el mundo es arrasar todo el oriente medio.


Informe de la Comision de la ONU de Abril a Julio , muestra del fracaso palpable de los rebeldes . Por si alguno no se va leer el tocho, atribuye 8 de las 9 masacres a las fuerzas del gobierno .



1.The commission continued to carry out its specific mandate to investigate all massacres.a In the incidents described, the intentional mass killing and identity of the perpetrator were confirmed to the commission’s evidentiary standards.

Government and pro-Government forces

Deir Baalbeh, Homs, 7-11 April 2012

2.In the Deir Baalbeh, near Homs city, between 20 and 40 men were killed in circumstances amounting to mass execution. Evidence indicated that the men, found in groups of two to 13, had been blindfolded and had their hands tied behind their backs, before being shot at close quarters. Reasonable grounds exist to believe that Government forces committed the massacre.

Al-Hamamiat, Hamah, 13 March 2013

3.Government forces stationed in Al-Hamamiat, a village located four kilometres east of Karnaz, Hamah, unlawfully executed six male farmers, residents of Al-Hamamiat. The men were internally displaced to Kafr Nabudah but had returned to Al-Hamamiat on 13 March. They approached troops stationed at a checkpoint, apparently seeking access to their farms. The commission has reasonable grounds to believe that Government forces stationed in Al-Hamamiat unlawfully killed the men in violation of international law.

Bab Amr, 27 March 2013

4.Government forces regained control over Bab Amr neighbourhood, Homs city, for 10 days during the second half of March. As per observed patterns, after heavy shelling, Government troops entered the neighbourhood as FSA fighters withdrew. Save for a number of elderly, most civilians had fled.

5.On 27 March, pro-Government forces, including the National Defence Forces, gathered several people, including seven elderly members of the Bzazi family. The seven were executed and their bodies burnt at the family house. The deceased were between the ages of 50 and 88 years old and included four women and three men. The Commission found reasonable grounds to believe that pro-Government forces unlawfully killed the Bzazi family members.

Khirbet Al-Teen, Homs, 10 April 2013

6.The Qadrou family, part of a community of Bedouins was executed in the area of Khirbet Al-Teen, in Homs countryside. The family included eight children (aged between two and 18 years old). Videos of the victims clearly show that they had been shot at close range and three of the child victim’s throats were slit. The village, along the Tartus-Homs highway, where the victims were found is surrounded by villages that support Government forces.
aSee A/HRC/22/59, para 42.
7.There are reasonable grounds to believe that pro-Government forces have unlawfully killed the Qadrou family.

Jdeidat Al-Fadel, western Damascus countryside, 21 April 2013

8.Accounts collected confirmed that thousands of internally displaced persons were in the area of Jdeidet Al-Fadel when Government forces launched a military operation on 15 April. With the participation of the 100th Regiment and 4th Brigade, all access points to the area were blocked by Government forces whereas heavy shelling from army bases west of the town targeted residential areas inside, causing a number of casualties. Some accounts state that the FSA had successfully overtaken a checkpoint outside Jdeidet Artouz which prompted the Government’s response. As fighting intensified, particularly between 15 and 21 April, thousands of civilians along with a number of anti-Government fighters were blocked inside the town. Hundreds of Government snipers were positioned on the town’s exit points. Snipers and soldiers positioned at the town exits killed many civilians trying to flee the hostilities. Anti-Government forces attempted to accompany thousands of civilians out of the area of combat but the blockade and the military operation made this impossible.

9.Collected evidence gave reasonable grounds to believe that Government forces executed a number of inhabitants once they took control of the town, including the Imam of the Mosque and his family.

Al-Bayda, Banias, Tartus, 2 May 2013

10.On the morning of 2 May, the army surrounded Al-Bayda and blocked the main exit points. Extensive shelling preceded the operation leading many civilians, especially those living at the edge of the village, to flee to surrounding agricultural areas. At approximately 7am Government forces entered with a force of 60-70 soldiers, establishing sniper positions around the main village square. Government forces proceeded to raid various streets in the village as members of the National Defence Forces joined the operation. Hundreds of civilians were arrested while some were executed in various locations. Evidence indicates that between 40-60 bodies were laid out in one room, a mobile phone shop, near the square. The bodies appear to have been burned. The victims appeared to have been first arrested and then executed in the square area. Some of the victims also appeared to have been hit in the head with blunt, heavy objects. Bodies of 30 women, also apparently executed, were found in a house not far from the centre while tens of bodies were strewn in the streets. Between150-250 civilians were allegedly killed. Testimonies were consistent that members of the National Defence Forces were actively involved in the raids and in many cases leading them.

11.Findings indicate that armed opposition was not present or actively engaged in hostilities in the village of Al-Bayda or its vicinity in the lead-up or during the alleged massacre. Some of the accounts suggest that Government forces were chasing a small activists’ cell in the village which it accused of facilitating the defection of regular soldiers from the army. It is evident, however, that the type of military operation and the alleged massacre that ensued were not in the context of an armed confrontation. Government forces with the support of the National Defence Forces operated freely throughout the day on 2 May in and around the village. There were no reported deceased pro-Government forces. The area where the village is located was under the full control of government forces. Accordingly, there are reasonable grounds to believe that government forces and affiliated militia including the National Defence Forces are the perpetrators of the Al-Bayda massacre

Ras Al-Nabe', Banias, Tartus, 3 May 2013

12.The incidents at Ras Al-Nabe' are closely connected to the events of Al-Bayda the preceding day. News spread that the National Defence Forces, with the support of the army, were moving towards the village as part of the same operation. Hundreds of civilians attempted to leave the village through the regular checkpoints but were pushed back. Some of the inhabitants managed to flee through dirt roads as main access roads to the village were blocked. Government forces proceeded to shell the village from various locations, including from a bridge connecting the village to other areas including Al-Bayda. Shelling lasted for approximately an hour before pro-Government forces moved in.

13.As they raided the village, civilians were captured and executed. The commission reviewed evidence of families that had been executed, including children, as part of the operation. Testimonies of those who witnessed the aftermath described bodies lying in the streets for days before the inhabitants could safely return to collect them. Some of the bodies appeared to have been hit with heavy or sharp objects, especially in the face and head area. According to reports the numbers killed is between150-200. As in Al-Bayda, there is no indication that the armed opposition was active in the village. The operation did not occur in the context of a military confrontation. Government forces were in full control of the area.

14.Based on an analysis of the evidence, there are reasonable grounds to believe that pro-Government forces perpetrated the 3 May killings in Ras Al-Nabe'.

Khirbat Al-Souda, Homs, 15 May 2013

15.On 15 May, anti-Government armed groups attacked a checkpoint at the railway linking Homs and Tartus. In retaliation for this incident, Government forces from the checkpoint shelled and raided Khirbat Al-Souda, a small village five kilometres north of Homs city, killing 16 people, including two women and a three-year-old child, and burned their bodies.

16.In eight incidents detailed above, reasonable grounds exist to believe that the war crime of murder was committed by Government and pro-Government forces, including the National Defence Forces.

Anti-Government armed groups

Hatla, Dayr Az-Zawr, 11 June 2013

17.On June 11 at approximately 5:45 am, several anti-Government armed groups, including members of Jabhat Al-Nusra, attacked the Shi'ite areas of Hatla, a mixed, but Sunni-majority, village located in eastern Dayr Az-Zawr. In the ensuing fight, anti-Government armed groups defeated the outnumbered and outgunned Shi’ite fighters. More than 20 were killed and some were captured. Ten anti-Government fighters were killed during the attack.

18.During the takeover, anti-Government armed group fighters conducted home invasions, killing and summarily executing (by shooting at close range) many Shia including at least 30 civilians, among them children, women and elderly. Fighters also set civilian houses and a Shia mosque on fire as they shouted sectarian slogans.

19.There are reasonable grounds to believe that the anti-Government fighters who attacked Hatla unlawfully killed at least 20 civilians in violation of international law. In relation to the 11 June killings in Hatla, anti-Government armed groups involved have committed the war crime of murder----


Para eso está las invasiones USA. Siempre son viables.


Duplicada: La ONU acusa a ambos bandos en el conflicto de Siria de crímenes de guerra

Hace 10 años | Por InfoCruncher a abc.es

Ambas noticias hablan del mismo informe, que cubre el periodo del 15 de mayo al 15 de julio pasados, por lo que no hace referencia al ataque con armas químicas del pasado 21 de agosto en las afueras de Damasco.
La otra tiene un titular poco atractivo, esta luce mucho mejor en la portada de ABC y seguro que cosecha muchas más visitas.



La noticia de rt es de Marzo
El artículo de Le Figaro es de 22/08/2013

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