Hace 3 años | Por JoeAlabama a digitalsevilla.com
Publicado hace 3 años por JoeAlabama a digitalsevilla.com

Puede que sea uno de los numerosos lapsus que tiene el candidato demócrata pero el hecho es que lo dice a la cámara. Cabe señalar que Trump acusó al Pentágono y a la administración demócrata de Obama-Biden-Clinton de organizar guerras interminables y absurdas para que las empresas de armas se beneficien.



#6 Es porquería descontextualizada. El segmento completo está en #6. En consecuencia, voto bulo


Y venga bulos.....madre mía.


#3 periódico DIGITAL
Bulo asegurado


#4 Totalmente, "digital" y "libertad" dan buenas pistas....


Fake news. Y seguramente los del digital Sevilla este lo sabrán bien porque ya tiene un tiempo.

"The video was an edited clip from an Oct. 24 appearance by Mr. Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, on the podcast “Pod Save America.” When asked about efforts to bolster election security, Mr. Biden gave a long answer and discussed Obama administration efforts to protect against voter fraud. He added that he had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

The deceptively edited video featuring that part of his statement — taken out of context to make it appear that Mr. Biden supported voter fraud — was shared on dozens of right-wing YouTube channels, Twitter accounts and Facebook pages. It was not clear on Monday who had made the edited video.

A spokesman for Mr. Biden’s campaign clarified that he, as seen in the full video, was discussing his efforts to prevent voter fraud.

“We have assembled the most robust and sophisticated team in presidential campaign history to confront voter suppression and fight voter fraud however it may present itself,” said TJ Ducklo, the campaign’s national press secretary."


Lo mismo que la mitad de su "aportación": spam de un medio mierdoso.




#1 No lo dan, naturalmente.


Sea lapsus o broma, si no hay evidencia de fraude, Biden será el ganador.


Yo vería el vídeo. La noticia solo comenta exactamente lo que dice Biden a la cámara y lo dice.